10 tips for safer online dating

Dating is hard enough without having to navigate the complicated world of online dating. Sometimes, people aren’t who they say they are, in fact, they could possibly be a real nightmare if you don’t protect yourself in the right ways and end up in a bad position.

Going out with someone you’ve been talking to online can be very exciting, but it could also go south very quickly. Especially since you’re exposed to a world of total strangers. In 2016, a study showed that online dating related sexual assault increased 450 percent between 2009 and 2014.

Here are some tips and tricks you could use to stay safe.

  • Meet in a public area in the daytime.

Whilst going out for dinner and drinks sounds like a great night out, late nights mean that you’re more tired, more likely to miss the last bus or train home, and mixing alcohol with strangers could mean that you’re less likely to spot red flags when they pop up. Keep it public, like a popular restaurant or café, with lots of people around who could help you out if you feel uncomfortable.

  • Internet-search your date

Do a little sleuthing on your date. A simple google, Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter search could show you the difference between a sweet, caring person, or a complete psychopath. If you see anything questionable, you won’t be blindsided by any surprises.

  • Tell people where you’re going

Letting friends, family, even a good workmate know about when and where you’re going out is a great way of ensuring you have someone looking out for you. It may sound a bit much, but just in case something goes wrong, someone you know will be able to help.

  • Have a plan for transport

Make sure that you’ve got solid plans, whether it be public transport, an Uber, or a friend picking you up, to get home. This is a great way of keeping your address private from your date and also ensures that you won’t be stuck somewhere unfamiliar if your night goes on a bit too long.

  • Always keep your food and drink in sight

Whilst this may seem overboard, the use of date-rape drugs has increased in recent years. Don’t accept drinks from anyone unless you watched a bartender prepare it, or open bottles yourself.

Online dating could be a great way to meet a whole world of amazing people. Just stay safe and be aware of what’s going on around you.



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