New dating platform to be introduced by Facebook – will it be better for us?

Facebook announced back in May that they would be launching a dating service, appropriately named “Dating”,  which will allow Facebook users to pursue potential partners  through Facebook.


The app will be using Facebook’s logged user data to recommend and connect people to matches, which is both ingenious from a data perspective but terrifying from an everyday human point of view.
The social media giant has begin trialling initial versions of this service in Columbia however no dates have been announced for official launch.
The app will ask you for:
– age
– location
– gender
– desired gender for dating
You will be able to share 9 photos and pre-set ice-breakers questions like “what does your ideal date look like?”
It’s particularly interesting as users will only be able to chat with people when they respond to one of the above questions.
The thing that sets “Dating” apart from sites like Tinder or eHarmony is that Facebooks connectivity lets users look through past events and groups that they’ve been a part of to connect to people they might have fleetingly met.
From a safety perspective, since it seems that “Dating” will only set you up with people who are connected to you in some way, it seems a bit safer than meeting complete strangers.
However, it is important to note that a majority of assault, harassment and sexual violence stems from people who are known to the victims, so we’re not too sure how this new platform will rank amongst others in terms of safety.
New ways of meeting people are always exciting and we’re really keen to see what this new platform can bring to the online dating space.
As always, stay vigilant and date safe.

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