New dating platform to be introduced by Facebook – will it be better for us?

Facebook announced back in May that they would be launching a dating service, appropriately named “Dating”,  which will allow Facebook users to pursue potential partners  through Facebook.   The app will be using Facebook’s logged user data to recommend and connect people to matches, which is both ingenious from a data perspective but terrifying from … Continue reading New dating platform to be introduced by Facebook – will it be better for us?

New app aims to be the safest dating experience out there.

Imagine if you could read reviews for dates the way that you can read reviews for restaurants. For one, it would mean that you could figure out if the person you’re interested in is really a nice guy just pretending.Well now you can.Two developers are building a new kind of dating platform called Pair that … Continue reading New app aims to be the safest dating experience out there.

Swiped: Hooking up in the digital age truth or exaggeration?

HBO’s documentary “Swiped: Hooking up in the digital age” was a recently released film that probes and questions the dark side of current hook-up culture and dating apps. The docudrama comprises mainly of interviews of 18-25 year olds, candidly recounting their experiences with dating apps, namely Tinder. Most of the people who were interviewed were … Continue reading Swiped: Hooking up in the digital age truth or exaggeration?

To online date or not to date? That is the question.  

M.Y Online dating has become very popular due to the increasing availability and accessibility of the internet. With an increase of people using smartphones, apps such as Tinder, Grindr and Bumble have found a massive boom in their user base. So why has online dating become so popular? Browsing potential partners online is neither time … Continue reading To online date or not to date? That is the question.